Classy Yet Sassy

You see in this space we don’t smile for the camera. There’s no cheese, no laughing
for the lens, no bright and beautiful and sweet as pie. In this space
we push the limit, we like black sheets, edgy lingerie (or no lingerie)
Champagne baths, handcuffs and harnesses, dark corners, and even darker eyeliner. We like messy hair and perfect makeup, Polaroid peepshows, and pushing boundaries. In this space we laugh at the “that’s what she said” jokes, we curse freely, we hype each other up, and we leave worries at the door. In the space I learn your story as you tell it. You rediscover that your body is sexy, amazing, and strong. In this space we are free to create art, free to be the badasses we know we are, and free to light fires within our souls. I believe that women were born to stand out, to be seen and heard, and to push the limit. So if you do too…. well then I'd say this is the space for you.

Client Before and Afters

Client Pickups!

Swansboro Nc Jacksonville NOrth Carolina Morehead City Emerald Isle NC Wilmington North Carolina Boudoir Portrait Photographer luxury albums luxury boudoir experience photographer
We are on Instagram
My motto these days can basically be summed up as:
I am a grown-ass woman and I’m not here for your bullshit.

#justsayin #boudoirstudio #carolinagirl #coastalcarolina #easternncboudoir #wilmintonncboudoir #jacksonvillencphotographer #valentinesday #wildwomen #fearless #jacksonvillencsmallbusiness
The best decision that I have ever made was to love myself unconditionally. Am I perfect? Nope. Do I make mistakes and have my flaws? You bet your ass. I am not solely defined by my mistakes, my bad days, my hair, or the size on my waistband. I’m the one who decides my worth, my value, and my happiness. And the freedom that comes with that is indescribable. 
#ncboudoir #jacksonvillencphotographer #boudoirphotography #wilmingtonncboudoirphotographer #newbernboudoir #loveyourself
We are all born so beautiful. The greatest tragedy is being convinced we are not
#northcarolinaboudoir #newbernboudoir #saturdayvibes #easternnc
Binge watching SLOMW and I already know I’m one of the sinners. Anyone else secretly obsessed with this or is it just me🤨🍍
#slomw #realitytvbinge #momtok  #boudoirphotographer #newbernboudoir
Never thought I’d be a gold girl but damn if it doesn’t get me every time
#boudoirstudio #wildwomen #coastalcarolina #boudoirposes #boudoirphotographer #jacksonvillencboudoir
When that moody light hits just right 

#wilmingtonncboudoir #jacksonvillencphotographer #newbernboudoir #beaufortncphotographer #topsail #emeraldislephotographer #northcarolinaboudoir
2025 is the year of the 🌶️ because we spicing it up
Hmua @beautybykristenb 
#northcarolinaboudoir #easternnorthcarolina #kinstonnc #newbernboudoir #greenvilleboudoir #jacksonvillencphotographer
Just a little something to keep you warm on this cold Tuesday😉
Hmua @beautybykristenb 

#northcarolinaboudoir #ncboudoirstudio #tuesday  #tushietuesday
Since the first week of December 2024 I have woken up to an email from Meta saying my page doesn’t follow the rules. It won’t be recommended to anyone and I haven’t been able to post on my feed in forever. I have seen several photographers that I greatly admire lose their accounts, get locked out of their accounts, and have to start from scratch. It pisses me off to no end because there’s so much that we do behind the scenes that nobody really thinks about. All of the time and effort invested just gone in an instant. The reach that I do have for people who follow me is absolute BS. So if you see this post, if you’re a rule breaker like me, and if you’re fed up with big companies cherrypicking who gets a pass and who doesn’t- please at least drop a like on this post. Thank you, and I appreciate all of you! 😘😘
That lip though. Hitting 2025 hard and not slowing down😍
Hmua @beautybykristenb 
#northcarolinaboudoir #jacksonvillencboudoir #easternnorthcarolina