Ready to see yourself in a new light?
Good. Let's rock this shit.
Hey Girl!
I'm Andrea- the girl behind the brand, behind the camera, and behind the computer screen. I'm just your average woman/mother/small business owner trying to drink my coffee before it gets cold and I need to reheat it. I have a big personality, I probably curse too much, and odds are that the first time we meet I'm going to hug you because it's just what I do. I've got ADHD, I'll put my camera down and then lose it at least once during your session, I dance whenever possible, my kids think I'm hilarious, and I think there's so much more to people than what's in some bio box but here I am trying to sum myself up anyway.
I'm passionate about boudoir because I believe that every woman should feel valued, sexy, and unstoppable. I believe that women should take up space, be seen and heard, and I'll be real quick to say a big f*ck you to anyone who thinks we shouldn't.
I don't think I've ever seen an image sum us up this perfectly!
Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. your words will become a page in someone else's survival guide
I not only consider Andrea a fantastic photographer, but also a very sweet friend
- Lydia